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This website is designed to educate people about the horrific suffering experienced by one of the most oppressed groups in the history of this planet; animals. Approximately 60 billion land animals are killed for food every single year in addition to hundreds of millions slaughtered for clothing, experimentation and other barbaric industries and trillion of tonnes of marine life. These practices are unnecessarily destroying their lives, our planet and our health. For videos that cover these topics in great detail simply click on each of the pictures in the slideshow to the right. For further information, take a look through our pages including our guide to veganism.


24/10 11.30-17.30 at Waterloo campus Franklin-Wilkins building

Stall with Virtual Reality headsets, educational material and treats for students and HeartCure clothing 


24/10 18.00-20.00 at Strand Campus S-3.20 (third floor underground)

Halloween screening challenge: watch a 45 minute documentary and bring your friends for free food! + Film creators guest speakers 


(tbc) 26/11 14.30-18.30 Strand Campus 

ProVeg guest speaker Tobias Leenaert on effective advocacy for animal rights 




We are the KCL Animal Rights Society. Our aim is to raise awareness about animal exploiation and help people to make a stand against it. Take a look through the different pages to learn more about a number of issues including the meat, dairy and egg industries. Our guide to veganism will cover all bases in helping you to stop taking part in this unnecessary cruelty.


We will be holding numerous events throughout the year including fortnightly film screenings, leafleting and talks from a number of organisations. Take a look at our activism and contact us pages for more information. Our next event will be a free screening of "Forks Over Knives" - click here for more information on our Facebook event.

© by KCL Animal Rights Society.

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